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Net een brief geschreven naar Didi van de Bitcoin Family.
Waarom ik je contacteer? Wel, ik ben dit jaar al vier keer met mijn dochter (ik ben een alleenstaande vader) naar Dubai geweest en één keer naar Malta. En ik ben (positief) jaloers op jou, omdat ik die stap niet durf te zetten. Ik heb ook een eigen zaak als eigendom en zou die ook graag verkopen voor Bitcoin . Een trader ben ik niet, maar ik volg wel hoe je bezig bent.Een tijdje terug stelde ik voor om gratis je Jeep te beletteren. Helaas was het al gedaan, dus hoefde ik niet meer verder te pushen. Dat is niet mijn stijl, maar ik heb nu een heel goed project waar ik mee samenwerk en daar wil ik met jou over praten.Ik wil gerust naar jou komen in Troviecha deze zomer. Ik woon in België en kan
Embracing the Future: Why Your Business Should Accept Cryptocurrency Payments
In the dynamic landscape of modern commerce, businesses constantly seek innovative ways to adapt and thrive. One such innovation that has garnered significant attention is cryptocurrency. Beyond its association with volatile markets and speculative investment, cryptocurrency holds immense potential as a payment method for businesses worldwide. In this article, we delve into the compelling reasons why your business should embrace cryptocurrency payments, with a special focus on the upcoming crypto payment gateway, Sphynx Pay.Global Reach and Accessibility: Cryptocurrency transcends geographical boundaries and eliminates the barriers associated with traditional payment systems. By accepting cr
"Understanding the Psychology of Selling: Why Investors Sell When Prices Decline"
Introduction: Trading in financial markets can be a rollercoaster ride of emotions, influenced by a myriad of factors including market sentiment, news events, and technical indicators. One common behavior observed among traders, particularly during periods of price decline, is the tendency to sell assets, contributing to further downward pressure on prices. In this blog post, we'll delve into the psychological factors behind why people sell when prices go down and the implications of this behavior on market dynamics.Fear and Loss Aversion: One of the primary drivers behind selling during price declines is fear and loss aversion. When investors see the value of their investments plummeting, t
"DeFi and Satoshi Nakamoto's Vision: Embracing Decentralization in the Crypto Space"
Introduction: In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has emerged as a revolutionary concept, promising to disrupt traditional financial systems by providing open and permissionless access to financial services. However, as the DeFi ecosystem evolves, it's essential to reflect on the vision of Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, and understand why decentralized exchanges align more closely with his original ideals.Exploring Satoshi Nakamoto's Vision: Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin in 2008 through a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." At its core, Bitcoin aimed to create a decentralized financial system that op
"The Importance of Security in Cryptocurrency: Safeguarding Your Digital Assets"
In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, where digital assets are exchanged and stored in decentralized networks, security is paramount. As the value of cryptocurrencies continues to soar and the industry expands, the need for robust security measures becomes increasingly critical. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the crypto space, understanding and implementing effective security practices is essential for safeguarding your funds. Let's delve into why security is so crucial in the realm of cryptocurrency and explore some best practices to help you protect your digital assets.1. **Decentralization and Ownership:** One of the core principles of cryptocurrency is decentral
Web3 Dubai
English, voor het Nederlands, kijk onderaan.April 29, 2024 was a bustling day filled with activity. The morning started as usual with a refreshing swim in the pool, followed by preparations for the day. Around noon, I hopped into a taxi, heading towards a special event: Alongside Lonzo, Spliddy, and Jowii, I engaged in numerous conversations with individuals from the crypto world. Questions arose regarding price fluctuations and expectations concerning platforms like Binance. While I understand the concerns, it's important to emphasize that I have no direct control over these aspects.My response is simple: "We are sowing seeds everywhere, and they will grow into fruitful
Hungry :-)
Looks very Bullish to me :-)
Looks very Bullish to me :-)Sats did x70 for now, Sphynx x700?