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What are Sphynxlabs Nft's?

Sphynx NFT Collections.

Aegis BSC 1000 | Genesis ETH 2082 | Scions BSC 2082 | BRC 1000 | CRO 1000 | APEX - 500 | LOOP 500 | BTC 500

Marketplace: https://sphynxmarketplace.co/collections/Genesis%20Sphynx?chainId=1

Collection Name: Scion Chain: BSC Marketplace: https://sphynxmarketplace.co/collections/Sphynx%20Scion%20(BSC)?chainId=56

Collection Name: Scion Chain: CRO Marketplace: https://sphynxmarketplace.co/collections/Sphynx%20Scion%20(CRO)?chainId=25

Collection Name: Scion chain: Loop Marketplace: https://sphynxmarketplace.co/collections/Sphynx%20Scion%20(LOOP)?chainId=15551

Collection Name: Scion Chain: BRISE Marketplace: https://sphynxmarketplace.co/collections/Scion%20Sphynx%20(BRISE)?chainId=32520

Collection Name: AEGIS Chain: BSC Utility: Level 4 Hyper Pool Booster and USDT Earning

Marketplace: https://sphynxmarketplace.co/collections/Aegis%20Sphynx?chainId=56

Other NFT Marketplaces Collection Name: Genesis Marketplace: https://opensea.io/collection/sovereignsphynxcouncilnft

Collection Name: Scion Chain: BSC Marketplace: https://tofunft.com/collection/scion-sphynx-council/items

Collection Name: Scion Chain: CRO Utility: Level 3 Hyper Pool Booster Marketplace: https://app.ebisusbay.com/collection/scion-sphynx-council

Collection Name: AEGIS Chain: BSC Utility: Level 4 Hyper Pool Booster and USDT Earning Marketplace: https://tofunft.com/collection/aegis-sphynx/items

Collection Name: Satoshi Sphynx chain: BTC Mint: https://thesphynx.co/ordinals

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