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Sphynxlabs.eu is Busimatch's partner in Web3 development.

If you want to have your own Hyperpool, go to http://sphynxbank.com

We choose to use the Sphynx tools since end 2021, because Sphynxlabs is a DEFI ( Decentralized Finance ) Platform with a Android and Ios app.

They have same vision of the Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakomoto. ( and ours of course )

Lonzo's vision to give the power to the people was for me enough to look what they want to do. So my interest was triggered.

Their roadmap was so cool that i didn't first believe it was possible, but in the two followed years they never fail on me.

So i Met Lonzo after three years in Dubai ( 2024), and this page is dedicated to the Sphynx Project.

Click here to the Dapp or the website

New Contract address for BSC - CRO - LRC 0xa776f5b86cC520861F55a261515264E3bd86E72e

BRC 0x3f3d3A2A698AF53676CeF6ACA6Bfe6a0cE913C0C

ERC 0x1901f826dfcbfd9d3138936932366b3493a50893

MATIC / BTC / SOL (coming soon)

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So, you buy this ring and with our terminals you can load it with crypto. When you pay worldwide, just connect your ring to any other terminal to pay in fiat. Of course, all transactions go through the hyperpools of http://sphynxbank.com Price will be set when they are disponible.
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So, you buy this ring and with our terminals you can load it with crypto. When you pay worldwide, just connect your ring to any other terminal to pay in fiat. Of course, all transactions go through the hyperpools of http://sphynxbank.com Price will be set when they are disponible.
Sphynx Labs continues to push the boundaries of innovation with their latest update, and we can proudly say it’s truly revolutionary! From now on, you can purchase a unique range of merchandise such as rings, bracelets, keychains, and more. But this isn’t just any merch – each item is equipped with a built-in NFC chip that allows you to send crypto directly on the blockchain through Sphynx Labs’ POS systems.
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Sphynx Labs blijft de grenzen van innovatie verleggen met hun nieuwste update, en we kunnen met trots zeggen dat deze écht revolutionair is! Vanaf nu kun je een unieke reeks merchandise kopen zoals ringen, armbanden, sleutelhangers en nog veel meer. Maar dit is niet zomaar merch – elk item is uitgerust met een ingebouwde NFC-chip waarmee je crypto rechtstreeks op de blockchain kunt zenden via de POS-systemen van Sphynx Labs. Wat maakt dit zo bijzonder?Met de NFC-technologie in deze accessoires wordt crypto nog toegankelijker en bruikbaarder in het dagelijks leven. Stel je voor: je draagt een stijlvolle ring of armband, en met een simpele aanraking kun je een betaling verzenden of ontvangen. Geen gedoe meer met QR-codes of ingewikkelde wallet-adressen. Dit is de toekomst van blockchain-technologie, en Sphynx Labs loopt voorop! Hoe werkt het?NFC-chip: Elke ring, armband of sleutelhanger bevat een ingebouwde NFC-chip die gekoppeld is aan je wallet.Blockchain-integratie: Via de POS-systemen van Sphynx Labs kun je snel en veilig crypto zenden en ontvangen.Eenvoudig in gebruik: Het enige wat je nodig hebt is de Sphynx Labs wallet-app op je Android- of iOS-apparaat.Exclusief te koop via Busimatch.clubDeze revolutionaire merchandise is exclusief beschikbaar op Busimatch.club. Wat dit nóg spannender maakt, is dat je ze kunt aanschaffen met BT-tokens! Deze tokens kun je eenvoudig verdienen en gebruiken binnen het Busimatch-platform. Download de Sphynx Labs WalletOm volledig gebruik te maken van deze nieuwe features, is het belangrijk om de officiële Sphynx Labs Wallet te downloaden. Deze is beschikbaar voor zowel Android als iOS. Zoek simpelweg naar "Sphynx Labs" in de Google Play Store of Apple App Store en zet je eerste stap in de wereld van revolutionaire crypto-accessoires. Koop hier de Sphynx token: BSC, CRO, LRC: 0xa776f5b86cC520861F55a261515264E3bd86E72e BRC (https://thesphynx.co/swap/brise): 0x3f3d3A2A698AF53676CeF6ACA6Bfe6a0cE913C0C ERC (https://thesphynx.co/swap/eth): 0x1901f826dfcbfd9d3138936932366b3493a50893  MATIC / BTC / SOL (coming soon) (https://thesphynx.co/swap/bsc)
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Zaidoun Al-Owbydi AKA Lonzo ( Ceo of Sphynxlabs )
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Here is an overview.
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Olá, bem-vindo ao futuro dos terminais blockchain! Com os nossos terminais, está pronto para aceitar Visa, Mastercard e outros fornecedores de fiat, tudo sem pagar taxas mensais a bancos ou empresas. A melhor parte é que pode receber a criptomoeda da sua escolha em segundos, se assim o desejar. É um comerciante que adora criptomoedas? Então isto é para si. E aqui está mais uma boa notícia: Muitas pessoas têm criptomoedas, mas não podem gastá-las diretamente nas lojas. Agora, isso é possível graças aos nossos terminais. Visite http://dvcgraphics.com para mais informações e para saber como o podemos ajudar a promover isto. Com os nossos terminais blockchain, pode receber criptomoedas e convertê-las em dinheiro fiat em segundos. Graças à Sphynx Labs e aos seus Hyperpools. (Se preferir, pode também manter a sua criptomoeda, pois é melhor do que qualquer moeda fiat no mundo). Ao comprar este produto, receberá instruções e suporte em português. Entregamos em toda a Europa. Sem taxas mensais, e as comissões ficam no seu bolso — não no do banco. O preço será anunciado quando os terminais estiverem disponíveis, por isso fique atento.
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Privet, dobro pozhalovat' v budushchee blokcheyn-terminalov! S nashimi terminalami vy gotovy prinimat' Visa, Mastercard i drugikh postavshchikov fiatnykh valiut, bez ezhemesyachnykh platezhey bankam ili kompaniyam. Samoe luchshee, chto vy mozhete poluchit' vybrannuyu vami kriptovalyutu za schitannye sekundy, esli pozhelaete. Vy — torgovets, kotoryy lyubit kriptovalyutu? Togda eto dlya vas. I vot eshche odna khoroshaya novost': Mnogie lyudi imeyut kriptovalyutu, no ne mogut tratit' yeyu napryamuyu v magazinakh. Teper' eto vozmozhno blagodarya nashim terminalam. Posetite http://dvcgraphics.com dlya polucheniya dopolnitel'noy informatsii i chtoby uznat', kak my mozhem pomoch' vam prodvigat' eto. S nashimi blokcheyn-terminalami vy mozhete prinimat' kriptovalyutu i konvertirovat' yeyu v fiatnye dengi za schitannye sekundy. Blagodarya Sphynx Labs i ikh Hyperpools. (Esli vy predpochitayete, vy takzhe mozhete ostavit' svoyu kriptovalyutu, potomu chto ona luchshe, chem lyubaya fiatnaya valuta v mire). Pri pokupke etogo produkta vy poluchite instruktsii i podderzhku na russkom yazyke. My dostavlyaem po vsey Evrope. Bez ezhemesyachnykh platezhey, i komissii ostayutsya v vashem karmanе — a ne v banke. Tsena budet obyavlena, kogda terminaly stanut dostupny, poetomu sleduyte za obnovleniyami.
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Ciao, benvenuto nel futuro dei terminali blockchain! Con i nostri terminali, sei pronto ad accettare Visa, Mastercard e altri fornitori di fiat, senza pagare commissioni mensili a banche o aziende. La cosa migliore è che puoi ricevere la criptovaluta di tua scelta in pochi secondi, se lo desideri. Sei un commerciante che ama le criptovalute? Allora questo è per te. E c'è un'altra buona notizia: Molte persone possiedono criptovalute ma non possono spenderle direttamente nei negozi. Ora è possibile grazie ai nostri terminali. Visita http://dvcgraphics.com per maggiori informazioni e per scoprire come possiamo aiutarti a promuovere questo. Con i nostri terminali blockchain, puoi ricevere criptovalute e convertirle in denaro fiat in pochi secondi. Grazie a Sphynx Labs e ai loro Hyperpools. (Se preferisci, puoi anche conservare la tua criptovaluta, perché è migliore di qualsiasi valuta fiat nel mondo). Quando acquisti questo prodotto, riceverai istruzioni e supporto in inglese. Consegniamo in tutta Europa. Nessuna commissione mensile e le commissioni restano nelle tue tasche, non in quelle della banca. Il prezzo sarà annunciato quando i terminali saranno disponibili, quindi resta sintonizzato.
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Hallo, willkommen in der Zukunft der Blockchain-Terminals! Mit unseren Terminals sind Sie bereit, Visa, Mastercard und andere Fiat-Anbieter zu akzeptieren, ohne monatliche Gebühren an Banken oder Unternehmen zu zahlen. Das Beste ist, dass Sie die Kryptowährung Ihrer Wahl in Sekunden erhalten können, wenn Sie es möchten. Sind Sie ein Händler, der Krypto liebt? Dann ist das hier für Sie. Und hier ist eine weitere gute Nachricht: Viele Menschen besitzen Krypto, können es aber nicht direkt in Geschäften ausgeben. Jetzt ist das dank unserer Terminals möglich. Besuchen Sie http://dvcgraphics.com für weitere Informationen und um zu erfahren, wie wir Ihnen helfen können, dies zu fördern. Mit unseren Blockchain-Terminals können Sie Krypto empfangen und es in Sekunden in Fiat-Geld umwandeln. Dank Sphynx Labs und ihren Hyperpools. (Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie Ihre Kryptowährung auch behalten, denn sie ist besser als jede Fiat-Währung der Welt). Wenn Sie dieses Produkt kaufen, erhalten Sie Anleitungen und Unterstützung auf Englisch. Wir liefern in ganz Europa. Keine monatlichen Gebühren, und die Provisionen bleiben in Ihrer Tasche—nicht bei der Bank. Der Preis wird bekannt gegeben, sobald die Terminals verfügbar sind, also bleiben Sie dran.
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