Busimatch ( Admin )

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Welcome to my profile! I'm Didier Van Canneyt, the founder of Busimatch.club, a pioneering crypto business matching website designed to connect and elevate businesses within the cryptocurrency sector.

*About Busimatch.club*

Busimatch.club is a platform that revolutionizes the way crypto businesses find and collaborate with each other. By leveraging advanced tools from Sphynxlabs.com, we provide a seamless and efficient experience for our users. These tools enhance the platform's functionality, ensuring that businesses can easily match and form productive partnerships.

*Innovative Features and Member Benefits*

One of the unique aspects of Busimatch.club is our commitment to rewarding loyal members. By integrating their USDT into our hyperpools, we contribute to the liquidity of the Sphynxlabs platform. This not only supports the overall ecosystem but also provides our members with attractive returns on their contributions. It's a win-win situation that fosters a strong, engaged community.

*Our Vision*

At Busimatch.club, our vision is to create a thriving hub where crypto businesses can connect, grow, and succeed together. We believe in the power of strategic partnerships and the importance of a robust support system, which is why we continuously innovate and enhance our platform.

I invite you to join us at Busimatch.club and be part of a dynamic and forward-thinking community. Let's elevate the crypto industry together, leveraging the best tools and resources available to create lasting value and opportunities.

Thank you for visiting my profile. I look forward to connecting with you and exploring the possibilities that lie ahead.

Added a product
Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of birdwatching with this comprehensive package. Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your knowledge, "Birding For Everyone" provides all the information you need to start this rewarding hobby that will bring hours of enjoyment to you and your family. Recall those cherished childhood memories of discovering songbirds nesting in your backyard. The mud-lined nests of robins and their beautiful blue eggs continue to captivate people of all ages. Similarly, observing the nesting activities of house wrens, cardinals, chickadees, and other common birds can spark a lifelong interest in nature. This package covers essential topics to help you get started: Identifying common bird speciesUnderstanding bird behaviors and habitatsChoosing the right equipment for birdwatchingTips for attracting birds to your backyardBest locations and times for bird spottingEach year, millions of people discover the joys of birdwatching for the first time. It's easy to understand why - birds are fascinating to observe, and this hobby offers a unique way to connect with nature.
Bitcoin Nieuws MicroStrategy koopt 11.000 BTC: Het bedrijf heeft onlangs 11.000 bitcoins aangeschaft tegen een gemiddelde prijs van $101.191 per stuk. CRYPTOBENELUX
In a remote Norwegian fishing village, Sazmining, a company focused on retail-oriented Bitcoin mining, is launching a new 350-square-meter facility powered by hydropower. This initiative marks the establishment of the world’s northernmost mining operation.
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Our roadmap includes future updates. So if you buy our software, this is also included...
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Kupite ezhegodnuyu licenziyu programmnogo obespecheniya Busimatch zdes' (hosting i domennoe imya vklyucheny). Cherez 12 mesyacev schet budet avtomaticheski vystavlen na pervonachal'nuyu datu scheta. Ceny ukazany bez NDS. Posle polucheniya vashego zakaza i tokenov Bt, my sprosim vashe predpochtitel'noe domennoe imya i ustanovim programmnoe obespechenie na nashem servere. Vmeste my nastroim ego za odin chas, predostaviv vam polnost'yu funkcioniruyushchij veb-sajt s demonstraciej vseh nashih preimushchestv. Vasha set' budet voskhishchat'sya vashimi dostizheniyami!
Compre aqui sua licença anual do software Busimatch (hospedagem e nome de domínio incluídos). Após 12 meses, uma fatura será gerada automaticamente na data de faturamento original. Preços sem IVA. Ao receber seu pedido e os tokens Bt, solicitaremos o nome de domínio desejado e instalaremos o software em nosso servidor. Configuraremos juntos em uma hora, fornecendo um site totalmente funcional com todos os nossos benefícios. Sua rede ficará impressionada!
Kup tutaj roczną licencję na oprogramowanie Busimatch (hosting i nazwa domeny w cenie). Po 12 miesiącach automatycznie wystawiona zostanie faktura na pierwotną datę. Ceny netto, bez VAT. Po otrzymaniu zamówienia i tokenów Bt zapytamy o preferowaną nazwę domeny i zainstalujemy oprogramowanie na naszym serwerze. Razem skonfigurujemy wszystko w godzinę, zapewniając w pełni funkcjonalną stronę internetową z naszymi wszystkimi korzyściami. Twoja sieć będzie pod wrażeniem!
Koop hier de jaarlijkse licentie voor Busimatch-software (hosting & domeinnaam inbegrepen). Na 12 maanden ontvangt u automatisch een factuur op de oorspronkelijke factuurdatum. Prijzen zijn exclusief btw. Na ontvangst van uw bestelling en Bt-tokens vragen we naar uw gewenste domeinnaam en installeren we de software op onze server. Vervolgens configureren we samen de software in één uur, zodat u een volledig functionerende website heeft met al onze voordelen. Uw netwerk zal versteld staan van wat u bereikt!
Acquista qui la tua licenza annuale per il software Busimatch (hosting e nome di dominio inclusi). Dopo 12 mesi, verrà automaticamente emessa una fattura alla data originale. Prezzi IVA esclusa. Dopo aver ricevuto il tuo ordine e i token Bt, ti chiederemo il nome di dominio desiderato e installeremo il software sul nostro server. Configureremo tutto insieme in un’ora per offrirti un sito web completamente funzionale con tutti i nostri vantaggi. La tua rete rimarrà colpita!
Adquiera aquí su licencia anual para el software Busimatch (alojamiento y nombre de dominio incluidos). Después de 12 meses, se generará automáticamente una factura en la fecha de la factura inicial. Precios sin IVA. Al recibir su pedido y los tokens Bt, le preguntaremos el nombre de dominio deseado e instalaremos el software en nuestro servidor. Juntos lo configuraremos en una hora, brindándole un sitio web completamente funcional con todos nuestros beneficios. ¡Su red quedará impresionada!
Kaufen Sie hier Ihre jährliche Lizenz für die Busimatch-Software (Hosting & Domain inklusive). Nach 12 Monaten wird automatisch eine Rechnung zum ursprünglichen Rechnungsdatum erstellt. Preise zzgl. MwSt. Nach Erhalt Ihrer Bestellung und Bt-Token fragen wir nach Ihrem gewünschten Domainnamen und installieren die Software auf unserem Server. Gemeinsam konfigurieren wir sie in einer Stunde, damit Sie eine voll funktionsfähige Website mit all unseren Vorteilen haben. Ihr Netzwerk wird beeindruckt sein!
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