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"In the crypto world, success is not just about making money; it's about participating in a global movement towards decentralization and financial empowerment."

- Laura Shin, Crypto journalist and host of the Unchained podcast

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Busimatch will be built in the future on the Blockchain.I will explain here how it will work, the devs of Sphynxlabs will build it from the ground up.
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Buying our book is a must if you come to an workshop.The book is in Dutch.
Looks very Bullish to me :-)Sats did x70 for now, Sphynx x700?
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Welkom op de workshop, gelieve de regels door te nemen voor je komt.
38 Scharebrugstraat, Blankenberge, West Flanders, Belgium
Welkom op de workshop, gelieve de regels door te nemen voor je komt.
38 Scharebrugstraat, Blankenberge, West Flanders, Belgium
I like to make movies.<br>So i made some for Sphynx.
I was in dubai in the winter of 2023-2024Here i share some stuff.